If you are Looking for a Dog Trainer Near You in the Coral Springs, Coconut Creek & Margate Florida area I can help!
I have been a Therapy Dog Handler since 2014 and I’ve learned a lot about having a Well Mannered, Calm Dog that listens.
You too can have a dog that is Calm and Listens, it isn’t that difficult.
I teach people a new language (how to communicate with their dogs) but I don’t tell them what to say
– Tom Savoca
Free Dog Training Tips:
- No free food. Make them work and engage you for their food and reward.
- Don’t say the dogs name in front of them unless you are talking to them. Hearing their name should be associated with something great.
- Have a release word for them so they know when they are done doing what you want them to do.
- Avoid “Meaningless Conversation.” In most cases, talking to your dog will excite them which makes it harder for them to be calm and well mannered.
Here are some more tips:
Set your dog up for success, don’t let them fail.
Whether you are working on SIT, or something complicated, you need to be sure to keep it simple enough so your dog doesn’t fail. Teach your dog what you want him or her to learn in this calm quiet environment, first. Then later add distance and duration and build up to distractions.
For example, if your dog is jumping on people that walk into your home. Start easy, work with entering the house yourself and discourage your dog to not jump. Don’t turn your back or backup, that won’t send the signal that their behavior isn’t proper. Don’t make eye contact or talk to your dog if they jump, either can be considered encouragement to continue what they are doing (jumping, not being respectful). Then as your dog gets better with you, work with others entering your door the same way. Once your dog get’s that, continue working with calm visitors that come into your home. When that is mastered, you can start working with visitors that are more high energy, like kids.
Are you getting the idea yet? Let’s give you one more example. If you want your dog to come better. Start in the house with no distractions. Use TREATS and a long lead if needed. Call your dog to you once, use the lead and treats to lure them closer and be FUN and ANIMATED to encourage them to move closer to your faster. Once they get to you give treats and praise! Once this works well inside, move outside. Remember to start simple and close and slowly move to farther distances in a more distracting environment.
Dog Training Does Matter
Margate, Florida
765 227 9876