I have 2 Corgis that never liked each other, were impossible to walk on a leash because they pulled so hard, and they barked at anything that moved. Then they started fighting. My husband was preparing for spine surgery, so we knew we had to do something!! The first person I spoke to was Amber at K9 League. After speaking to several others, I could not stop thinking about how comfortable she made me feel, and no one else had done that. Stevo Henderson came to pick them up and it was immediately obvious we made the right choice!!

The dogs are a pleasure to walk, we get compliments all the time about how well behaved they are!!! They are not aggressive at all which was most important! And the nuisance barking has stopped. Stevo checks in all the time to see how it’s going and is always happy to provide continued support. I could not be more pleased with the people we chose and the results we got.
K9 League
1237 Robin Dr
Keller Tx 76262