Every week I work with roughly 40 to 50 dogs.
Between private lessons and the group classes, I see a bunch of dogs each week.
This week I have 39 private lessons and four group classes with 7 dogs in each class. So this week I will see 67 dogs for training.
That’s a whole lotta puppies!
I see everything from dogs with housetraining issues to ones who want to sink their teeth into any body part that gets close enough to their fangs.
I am sharing this because I want you to be successful with your training. And if you follow this simple advice you’ll be much, much more successful.
Dog owners are curious on where to start. I can often predict how the training is going to go. It has nothing to do with the dog, the equipment, treats, toys, or anything else usually associated with dog training.
It has to do with the owner.
I walk into some situations and there are some hard feelings between the dog and owner. The owner is either frustrated, angry, depressed, guilty, exhausted, feels like giving up or a combination of all of them.
We become very emotional about our dogs.
As a highly trained and skilled professional, I zero in on the problem and adjust to the person I am working with. If you start training thinking you have the worst dog, if you are mad at your dog, if you feel guilty because you are ready to give up, it is going to be a rough ride.
As Henry Ford famously said: “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” – Henry Ford
The first step has everything to do with how you approach dog training.
If you have had a hard time training your dog, if you think you CAN’T train your dog, I can help. I have loads of free articles and videos on my website and YouTube.
Or…you can do a free consult. Setting up a free consult is easy. All you need to do is go here NEXT:
Consult with Eric Letendre