Dog Training Near Me Dog Training Articles

Does Your Dog Jump on People

If you are concerned that your dog jumps on people (often scaring them), and how they lunge at other dogs too (and frightens the other dog’s owners) there is help!

Jumping is such a major problem, I decided to write about it and shine some light on the subject… and share how to help. There’s are things you can do to help to get your dog to calmly approach other people instead, WITHOUT getting too excited or lunging at anyone. If your dog is excitedly jumping on people and scaring them it’s not because just that they need training, rather, it is because they see themselves as the leader of your group. The leader of the group is the one who sets the rules for the rest of the group in regards to behavior.

Dog Training

Dog’s have their own “psychology” and communication methods from humans. In each group (just like many human groups) there is a leader. In the animal kingdom, the leader always eats first, they decide what’s a threat, and what behavior is or isn’t acceptable within the pack. The group always LISTENS to the leader. If you are the leader, the group will listen to you.

Most humans know about this but they don’t know how to be the leader of their group in the eyes of their dog.

If the dog doesn’t think you are the leader, then the dog will take the roll. This rarely goes well and leads to your dog believing that THEY are the leader. That means they have the right to JUMP on other people, push past you and other humans and basically display no manners . It also can cause aggression toward other dogs… thinking it needs to protect you.

Now being a good leader isn’t just applying aggression or dominance over your dog. There are other gentler ways to convey to your dog you are a leader worth following… or a trustworth leader.

Here are some ways to convey to your dog that you are the leader of the pack… You being the leader means YOU take care of all the threats and concerns that is presently causing your dog stress and to not be in a calm state. Being a good leader will allow your dog to be relaxed around new humans and animals. So when when you do come across other dogs or new people come around, your dog can calmly sniff them and be relaxed knowing their owner (YOU) will protect them. When they trust you and they’re on a walk, they can calmly FOLLOW, and ignore other dogs.

The idea of being the leader is very closely related to being more important to your dog than anything else (including squirrels, other dogs and event cats). Your dog will consider you very important when you are the one who supplies ALL their FOOD, FUN and FREEDOM!

You can be a stronger leader and more important to your dog with some of the following practices:

HOW you handle food (remember, in your dog’s mind, the leader is the one who eats first). NO more putting the food down and letting the dog think it magically appeared on the floor.

The way you deal with “danger” … or what your dog conceives as threats, like dogs, animals, even other humans. There’s a specific way to show your dog that you’re the leader, who takes care of threats. Once you’ve showed your dog you’re the leader, they will more likely step back and calm down.

The WAY which you greet your dog is a critical step which nearly all dog-owners mess up… because we first give them attention, when instead we need to be sure they are being respectful and calm before giving your dog affection.

How your dog treats YOU is so important and telling. If your dog jumps on you or invades your space, it is allowing them to believe that they’re the leader. Space means something, personal space being invaded means the invader owns the space. If you are in the space, the invader owns you. When you stop a dog from entering your space, or showing ownership over your property you earn their respect as the leader.

It is critical to understand that for your dog, going on a walk is the equivalent of going on an adventure. So if you’re not walking your dog the way a leader would… your dog is going to be the one running the show. That means they could be pulling on the leash and taking YOU for a walk instead. On a walk, the leader goes first, if your dog is way out ahead of you on a retractable leash they most likely think they are taking you for the walk. If that is the case, they might be either more concerned about their surroundings then needed which caused them to be nervous and overly protective OR just learning not to listen to you. Keep in mind all their activities with you are related, if they think they are the boss of the walk, they probably think they are the boss of the house also.

So contact me if you would like to have a calm, responsive and loving dog

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